Limitation of Current Science

The past half century has seen rapid expansion and progress in the field of science and technology. New inventions are added every day. Things that were considered impossible, have now become very common.
But despite all these achievements, there are a few things where science is still helpless. Human knowledge cannot be perfect. Science also has something of its own limitations, beyond which it is not yet successful.

In the medical section, they have hormones and vaccines against various incurable diseases have been produced through genetic engineering, but genetic diseases are still incurable. Study the genome is not yet complete. Diseases such as aids and hepatitis could not be controlled. Cancer is still an incurable disease.

Despite the production of better varieties of crops through nuclear beams and genetics engineering, the food problem for mankind could not be completely solved. It needs that a variety of plants that can meet the needs of an ever-growing population. 

Space exploration has no limits. Landing on the moon is only the first step. Conquest of Mars and other planets after that are challenging. 

An ever-growing population increases the demand for energy. Natural resources hidden underground for centuries are exhausting. There was no backup source developed at the same pace. There is no doubt that the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is it's growing, but it also has its own problems. The main problem is the disposal of nuclear energy waste.

Despite all the research and development, natural disasters have not been managed. For example, earthquake destruction is still the same. Scientists could not succeed they were aware of them some time ago, nor could they overcome them. The same goes for a man powerless against other disasters.

Research in the field of science continues. New discoveries are added and field's knowledge is expanding every day. If the current pace of research continues, it will be tomorrow, certainly better than today.

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