Importance of Space Programme

Space travel was once a human dream that has now become a reality. Space travel was made possible by the invention of the rocket. In a rocket, the fuel is burned using liquid oxygen and the gases produced by it are pushed out of its back at a very high speed and in response the rocket moves forward.

In October 4, 1957, Russia launched its first artificial satellite Sputnik-1 into space via rocket that started the space age. Since then, thousands of spacecraft have been launched into space. Most of them revolve around the Earth. These have amazingly changed man's ideas about the Earth and the universe.

Several space probes have also been launched into space, which have  helped us in get information about astronomical objects in the solar system. These probes have been sent to every other planet in the solar system including the Moon and Halley's Comet except Pluto. Some useful information was collected from them. America also launched its first space station, Skylab-1, into space in 1973. With the help of these space stations, the natural resources hidden on Earth and the planets of the solar system were studied. In 1979, due to some error, Skylab re-entered the atmosphere and broke into pieces.

In 1986, Russia launched the Mir space station into space, which has been used for space research for several years. On April 24, 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched into space with the help of the Discovery Space Shuttle. The size of its mirror is 2.5 meters and its weight is 11 tons. A space shuttle is a form of spaceship. It can be launched into space to a height of 300 kilometers using a rocket within 15 minutes. It can only stay in space for a few days. Its weight is usually 2000 tons with full fuel. It can be used to launch artificial satellites and space probes into space.

There will always be a day of July 20, 1969. On that day, two American astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, landed on the moon using Apollo-11. They collected samples of soil and rocks from the moon and performed an analysis that gave us a lot of new information. About a month, Other big projects are in man's future plan, including landing on Mars.

To get weather information and climate has always been a human desire and need. Now, scientists can make accurate weather and climate predictions using artificial satellites launched into space. Communication satellites are very important. They greatly facilitate television, telephone and radio communication. With the help of some satellites, scientists have come to know a lot about the various galaxies, stars, planets, dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes etc. exist in the universe. They are also used to study cosmic rays in space. In short, these satellites revolutionized human life.

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