Different Stages of Human Life

Human beings go through different stages of their lives in infancy, childhood, youth and old age.

Infancy :

This stage lasts for the first two years of each person's life. This is an important phase of human life. It is characterized by the child's physical and mental development. A baby gains enough weight during the first 24 months of its life. His teeth begin to grow and he learns to walk and talk. He begins to distinguish colors and shapes in the first three months of his life. At first they just move their arms and legs, but later they start to twist on their stomachs. A normal child starts walking 13 to 15 months after birth.

Childhood :

Early childhood lasts from two to six years. It is a period of great revolution in child's thoughts and memory. The child becomes able to understand his own feelings and his relationships with others. This period is characterized by the child's mental, natural and physiological development. The period after childhood lasts from six to twelve years of life. In this period, such qualities such as the power of decision-making, reasoning and argument, social and self-understanding reach their peak.


This stage is a period of physical, psychological and social development of a child that includes part of life between 13 and 19 years of age. At this stage, the child enters the age of youth. As this period forms the bridge between childhood and youth, the child begins to show signs of adulthood. This is commonly known as puberty.

Youth and old age:

After completing all the stages of childhood and adolescence, a person gradually enters the age of youth. At this stage, certain negative changes begin to occur in her body, and the rate of catabolism exceeds the rate of anabolism. This leads to a weakening of the organism and it becomes difficult for the body to cope with negative external and internal changes. The phenomenon of aging is called senescence. As these negative changes continue, the body becomes weaker and weaker and there is a stage where our body systems stop working and eventually death occurs.
Aging significantly affects the heart and its associated blood vessels as their elasticity decreases. The blood pressure will increase and thus the chances of bleeding will increase. Bones become weak and brittle due to the gradual loss of organic matter.

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